Thursday, March 19, 2015

Maintaining a long distance relationship

I really miss my Lola from abroad, I really do. She is currently in Toronto, Canada where it is so cold as ice. We used to write letters to each other when I was still a kid but as time goes by, that relationship began to melt slowly. I just can't forgive the days that went by without greeting her if she was fine over there and stuff. But then again I'm still waiting for the day she finally comes back and give her a very heart-warming hug. In this blog, I will show you how an OFW struggles with their families without breaking their long-distance relationships.

According to the article "How can OFW Maintain a Healthy Relationship"by MK Caquinquin, he gave us some ways on how should overseas workers maintain this relationship. First is Set Specific Time for Regular Appointments, just be relax and feel your new environment. give time to adjust with it but remember to stick to your plans. Second, Keep the line of communications open, It is very important that you communicate with your loved ones. They are giving you hopes to keep on hustling and thrive to the deepest obstacles you will encounter in abroad. Third, Plan a time to meet each other. Go and have an interesting conversation with your workmates or friends you have met while you are in abroad. That way, you can still have a healthy socialization if your loved ones aren't aorund from time to time. Fourth, Trust your partner. Sometimes, a partner needs some space for privacy and personal actions. Give him some time to adjust and of course some chance of trust so you could earn his/hers too. The lack of trust is why most long-distance relationships ended quickly. Lastly, Do something out of usual, sometimes in a long-distance relationships, you weren't giving each other some physical satisfactions like gifts, flowers and stuff. Nothing can replace a heart if it came from you.

"Absence makes the heart go wander but the long ditance relationship only survives when there is respect for the other person, and that only if one will always looked at the sacrifice of the other."

I myself am pleased with this recent article. Surely it will help some of our overseas workers upon dealing with their struggle in abroad. But the main focus here is romance. So we need to deal with it more.

To others, long distance relationship is very hard to handle. As the saying goes... Öut of sight, out of mind". There are several relationships that did not worth more and ended up to parting way. On the other hand there's also a saying that "Absence make the heart go fonder". Maybe because if they don't see each other more often, the tendency is they are going to miss each other so much.

Long distance relationship is effective to the people who maximize the use of social media such as facebook, yahoomail, messenger in order to have a constant communication. Always keep in mind that an open communication is necessary to make a long distance realtionship last forever.

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